Marine Field Trip Report in Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach 

Hy guys, let me introduce my self my name is Wening Pramesty but all my friends call me Wening. I am a students of Makassar Tourism Polytechnic, majoring in Tour & Travel Business. Well on 2 days me and all my friends going to Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach.

On a first day, october 4,2019 we are gathering in front of orange building at campus for check the presence and distribution of ID cards,lugagge tags,and audio system. After that we are get on the bus to go to Dutungan Island. Then we left the Poltekpar campus at 07.00. During the trip to Dutungan Island, each student was assigned as a tour guide to provide information aboutn what areas were passed during the trip.

After 2 hours later, we arrived in Tanjung Indah Dock, but we have to use a boat to crossed the Dutungan Island. After we arrive in Dutungan Island , we changed our chlothes for prepare diving. And then we listened to some instructions or procedures for doing diving exercises properly by expert instructors. After that all off the student trying to diving with accompany by instructor. 

Actually that was the first time i tried diving . Really a pleasant experience. And the first time i saw the underwater world. But  when diving I have difficulty adapting to the respirator. After diving, i continued to snorkling .Wow i can see a many of fish in the underwater its so amazing. After we spend a time in there we are going back to the dock and go to Delima Sari Hotel in Pare – Pare City. We are arrive at 6.00 PM and all the participants go to the room to prepare for dinner. We had dinner in Ayam Penyet Ria Restaurant, The location wa very close to the hotel so we just walked. 

Then After Dinner, we continued for presentation session of a assigments given previously by the tour leader in the hotel restaurant . Then followed by an entertainment where each group displays their respective talents. After the whole program was over , all the participants going back to the rooms and take a rest .

The next day on october 5,2019 we doing a morning exercise and walking around the area of hotel and visit the statue of Cinta Sejati Habibie & Ainun. Then after that, we return to the hotel for breakfast. The food provided is fried rice, bread,fried noodles, sunny side eggs, milk ,coffee and tea . After we had breakfast, we returned to our room to pack and then proceed to Paputo Beach.

In Paputo Beach, we did observations and have fun . My friends Elsara inviting all the participant to dancing. We enjoyed the beautiful view in Paputo Beach wile snacking on fried bananas. After a few hours , we going back to the bus and go to Teras Empang Restaurant for lunch. In Teras Empas also has a beautiful view and we enjoyed the delicious of food in there.

After that we returned to the bus and we going back to the city of Makassar. During the trip we get a free programme . We are arrived in POLTEKPAR Makassar at 05.00 PM . Then we take our personal belonging and we are going back to our homes . The field trip is end . This is the best experience i've ever had.


6 Responses so far.

  1. SUDARMIN says:

    B aja sih klo menurut gue, bagusan juga blogku.

  2. Semangat kak buat tour nya ke toraja

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